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Kinergetics is an incredibly versatile tool and comprehensive healing modality, which has the power to transform every aspect of your health & life. It is a specific branch of Kinesiology, which combines both kinesiology and energy healing and works to identify, correct and release the emotional and metaphysical causes of pain and disease.


As with other Kinesiology systems, Kinergetics uses neurological biofeedback via muscle monitoring, to pinpoint structural, biochemical, psychological, emotional, energetic and spiritual areas of stress, imbalance, or dysfunction of the body's energy systems. By accessing the cause of these imbalances and working with healing energy to clear them at the deepest level, this brings about profound, lasting change to our energetic and physical being.


Kinergetics helps you get to the root cause of your problems (e.g. self sabotage, fear based memory blocks, illness) and gain an understanding of what is going on inside your mind and body so it can be released and processed on a conscious and unconscious level.


Past hurts and traumas (such as family/relationship breakups, deaths, accidents and loss to name a few) can cause negative physical, mental and emotional blockages, which are suppressed and profoundly affect us, and our health. Kinergetics is a direct yet gentle way to identify and tap into these suppressions. It is a tool used to unravel old negative patterns, sabotages, belief systems and blockages, in order to make the changes required to bring us forward into a secure, open, present and positive state of health, happiness and being.




Kinergetics is a fast, painless, non-invasive modality that has been proven to be incredibly effective in helping a wide range of problems including:


  • Identifying limiting core beliefs and areas of self sabotage which are preventing you from moving forward and succeeding in life in areas such as professionsal career, weight loss, finances, relationships to name a few

  • Dealing with physical pain

  • Releasing past and present emotional and physical trauma

  • Limitation of joint motion, muscle injuries and sprains

  • TMJ (jaw) problems and teeth grinding

  • Anxiety and depression

  • Headaches and migraines

  • Learning disorders

  • Adrenal fatigue/chronic fatigue

  • Arthritis and fibromayalgia

  • Food sensitivities/allergies

  • Womens problems such as fertility/conception issues/menstruation  irregularities/ PCOS and candida

  • Psychosomatic conditions, especially where the underlying factor is related to emotional stress.

  • Assisting in the elimination and detoxification of toxins and heavy metals from the body whether it be from mercury exposure from dental work (amalgam fillings) environmental factors, skin products, food.

  • Improving general hydration and the bodies ability to utilise and assimilate water, which assists the body in the process of detoxification and blood cleansing

  • At a deeper level, it can be used to identify and clear stresses in the body, which are often the causes of physical manifestations of illness/dis-ease.​


Some common benefits can include:


  • Becoming conscious of unconscious patterns/thoughts/beliefs

  • Less or no pain after treatment

  • Feeling less stressed and anxious

  • Feeling more calm and in control

  • Feeling more centred

  • Less physical symptoms (e.g. Skin disorders, reactions to food/allergies)

  • More energy, vitality and better health overall.

  • Improved brain cognition and function

  • Improved sports performance

  • Improved career performance

  • Improved relationships




In a standard Kinergetics session, the practitioner will use muscle monitoring to establish the priority imbalance/issue that needs to be worked on. The client, fully clothed, lies on the treatment table. The practitioner may conduct tests of muscles in relation to meridian points, the body’s reaction to homeopathic vials of toxins, heavy metals, minerals etc. The client may be required to talk/think about past traumas, stress, areas of self sabotage, self limiting beliefs, illness/pain in the body and access different physical points while the practitioner uses muscle monitoring and performs corrections to balance the body’s energy. A full treatment usually runs for 90 minutes.




Each person’s experience will vary individually and each time you have it done. Some experiences may include:


  • Becoming emotional

  • Occasional waves of fatigue

  • Feeling energy move through the body

  • Body twitches

  • Stomach gurgling/releasing

  • Seeing colours/flashes of past events/visions




Over the following few days, the body will continue to process what was worked on/released in the session. You may notice the benefits right away. As stresses are released from muscles, organs and glands, toxins may be released. Occasionally, you may experience symptoms such as:


  • Mood swings/suppressed emotions coming up

  • Cold like symptoms

  • Fatigue

  • Diarrhea


Very rarely do the above stated symptoms turn into anything serious and normally last for a day or two before naturally subsiding.


It is very important to increase water intake as soon as the session is complete and for the next few days. This will help flush the toxins out of the body and speed up the healing/cleansing process. The best way to manage any symptoms is to listen to your body. That may include a nap/extra sleep, time in sunshine/nature, or some peace and quiet.


Remember: Do not ignore symptoms you may be experiencing that would otherwise require medical attention – ensure you see your doctor as required.

© 2017 for Alexis Hamer

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