"I was lucky enough to find Alexis through a recommendation from one of her long term clients. I was raised in a very alternative household and have been in and out of varying wellness practitioners for as long as I can remember. I have never come across anyone as gifted as Alexis in the work that she does.
I didn’t specifically come to Alexis with a set issue I wanted to resolve. In my consultation and in every appointment since Alexis has identified, peeled and healed a new layer of myself that was unawarely impacting my current state of being. Prior to regularly seeing Alexis, I struggled with reoccurring OCD issues which I had tried many different forms of therapy to treat. At that point I excepted that it would always be a part of my life.
The difference I found with Alexis and her work is that we very rarely discussed my OCD behaviour in itself, but rather the underlying and unconscious beliefs, patterns and experiences that were at the cause of the condition. Now after 6 sessions with Alexis, my OCD has reduced by over 70%. That is only one of the many astronomical changes I have noticed in myself since beginning with her. I would recommend anyone at any stage of their life to see Alexis. I cannot imagine that there will be a time that I stop. Her work is extremely powerful, incredibly healing and a gift to anyone that is willing, able and open to her form of therapy."
Skyla De Giorgi, 23, Sydney
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"About 2 years ago I started having profoundly bad TMJ and jaw pain from grinding my teeth at night. It became noticeably worse over the year and led to a mouth guard, and countless pain medication prescription. After I had absolved myself of all possible recourse, I began to worry it would never go away. At its worst, my jaw would lock, for 24 hours, which not only hurt beyond belief, but was genuinely frightening. I could barely speak or eat when it would lock. My periodontist had prescribed me muscle relaxers to take when my jaw would lock and recommended switching back and forth between hot and cold packs on my cheeks. By that point I had given up any hope that I would ever get well.
On a trip to Mexico with friends, I met Alexis. It was a particularly bad stretch of days of severe 9/10 pain. I'm pretty sure I was taking around 8 Ibuprofens a day the week before. When I mentioned my plight, Alexis recommended I undergo Kinergetics with her to try and fix it. I had never heard of it before, curious to experience something new, but fairly certain there was no way it could have a meaningful impact. I couldn’t have been any more wrong.
Alexis and I met for two sessions over 5 days but already after the first session I felt a huge difference. The aching was gone, my jaw felt more relaxed and my headaches were gone. She was able to pin point exactly where the pain was coming from and knew how to relieve it simply through Kinergetics. I would be lying if I said it wasn't borderline miraculous. The terrible fear I had every day, the constant worry that something would trigger my TMJ and lock my jaw, was gone. It wad almost as if it had never happened."
Alexandra N, 27, New York City
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"I first came to see Alexis in 2019, specifically to seek help for my long struggle with disordered eating habits, bulimia nervosa, orthorexia and body dysmorphia. I had dealt with this cyclically, in repeated episodes and remission, for 8+ years. ‘Conventional' treatment routes never felt right for me, but when speaking to Alexis about her practice I felt excited. During the session Alexis worked with me to break down walls, unmask behaviours and allowed me to see self sabotaging habits. Through Alexis I gained a huge shift in my thinking, a change in patterns, and a fresh prespective of myself. It is now four years on from my session with Alexis, and I have not dealt with another episode since.
More recently, I saw Alexis with hopes of working through PTSD following a traumatic birth, that I had mentally and physically been coping with the repercussions of 15 months on from the birth of my baby. Following a healthy and positive pregnancy (for which I count myself very lucky), what began as a beautiful and generally comfortable labour, shifted as soon as we arrived at the hospital. After spending hours fighting off unnecessary interventions and having questions unanswered, my birth eventuated into a disrespectful, aggressive and frankly frightening experience - an instrumental birth, with the following 5 days spent in the NICU caring for our baby.
Every single day, for 15 months, I had cried and mourned what had eventuated for the birth of my child. I would replay our hospital experience in my head, with endless feelings of guilt that we didn’t fight hard enough, resentment, regret, heartbreak and a constant longing for reprieve. After finally seeing how numb I had become, and how this was eating away at me, I knew I needed to seek help.
My session with Alexis was an incredible emotional release, and a feeling of relief and comfort that I had not had for over a year. Alexis helped me to work through traumatic memories, to have a deeper and clearer understanding of what I had gone through, my feelings towards what had happened, as well as feelings of failing my child. A month and a half on from this session and I still feel so much lighter. I’ve gained a new perspective which has ultimately allowed me to be a better mother to my child, a more understanding partner, as well as kinder to myself.
Despite not really understanding, nor being able to properly articulate Alexis’ therapies, I truly know that they have worked for me. I can undoubtedly say that Alexis has changed my life, given me so much clarity, and a calmness which has transcended beyond just the areas that I had seen her for. I am so incredibly grateful to Alexis, and could not recommend her practice more highly."
Ema B, 26, Sydney
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"I began following Alexis on Instagram as I found her posts really resonated with me. When I realised I could book a distance Kinergetis session over the phone, I did as felt like I was treading water and unable to move forward. I wish I had found her sooner, as at every step Alexis made me feel safe to share and the in-depth consultation, guidance and clarity that came out of the sessions was invaluable, helping me progress and focus on what I needed to do for myself."
Fleur T, 50, Melbourne
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"I came to see Alexis as my 4 year old had been struggling with eczema since she was a baby. I had exhausted every avenue of conventional and plenty of complimentary medical therapies too, but really didn't know or understand anything about Kinergetics. Initially I was grateful that I could undergo a treatment (as a surrogate) to help my daughter without actually having to subject her to seeing 'another practitioner', and I kept an open mind despite my lack of understanding of the therapy. Any doubts I may have had quickly subsided, when I saw the benefit for her and myself.
What won me over was being told when I would see an improvement in my daughter and having that time frame met to the day. Lily was in the middle of a particularly bad flare, head to toe, incredibly itchy, inflamed and generally miserable with it. We began to see improvement exactly when we were told we would, the inflammation began to ease as did the itch and her sleep improved. We are very grateful to Alexis for helping when nothing else was working."
Sarah M, Sydney
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"My journey with Alexis has been pretty profound. I have been working with her for about a year and the kindness she shares we me in the work we to together has been instrumental in helping me navigate changes, patterns and self limiting beliefs and wounds in relation to self worth, career and relationships. She has softened my at times very hard exterior and has helped me find my inner power and voice.
She has helped me worth through habits and thought patterns that I have had for years that have been holding me back and every time I see her I bring home a new piece of myself and a little more kindness to myself and the people around me. For a person that has tried traditional therapy etc i feel that our sessions go far deeper to a place that cannot the described or replaced with anyone else."
Mellisa V, 28, Sydney
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"I have been seeing Alexis for over a year now and she has been such an integral part of my energetic and emotional evolution. Alexis helps to identify energetic and emotional blockages that are residing deep within and helps to remove/shift them. The effects are felt days and weeks after each session and I always have big revelations and realisations in the consult and afterwards. It's hard to put into words how powerful this treatment is and she has helped many of my friends and my clients.
I asked Alexis to be a part of our Solstice Skin team to help our clients recognise and release any limitations they may have and to shift energetic blockages that may be causing them physical ailments (health and skin).
I truly believe what Alexis does is such an integral part to healing whether it be trauma, physical, mental, emotional or spiritual.
Her gentle, kind, compassionate, humorous nature makes you feel like you are in such a safe space to release and it's a no judgement zone.
I would highly recommend Alexis. I am bit by bit convincing everyone I know to see her."
Hayley F, 30, Perth
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"I found Alexis to be incredibly professional, intuitive and wise. Despite the initially unconventional process and a delicate personal matter I came to resolve, she made me feel hopeful and at ease. Despite grappling with my condition for years - and numerous doctors visits - I had no respite - until I met Alexis. I felt a huge shift after my first treatment and after my third, my condition was completely gone. I am extremely grateful that I came across Alexis's process and believe more people need to know about it. Quite simply, she changed my life."
Alina B, 33, Sydney
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"A friend referred me to Alexis when I was feeling really stuck and having trouble moving forward after a difficult personal situation. From the first session, I found Alexis to be insightful, empathetic and extremely professional. I found that after my sessions with her, I felt clear, calm and able to make better decisions without getting stuck in old emotions and patterns. I feel calmer and happier and so many areas of my life have fallen into place since seeing her. Thank you Alexis, I really appreciate all your help."
Sarah E, Sydney​
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"I started having long distance over the phone sessions with Alexis about 6 months ago now and it has quite literally changed my life.
I was skeptical at first and was unaware of what kinesiology and energy healing actually entailed. It soon became blatantly obvious to me that this was incredibly powerful and something I really needed. I have found my sessions with Alexis extremely transformative and cathartic.
Through her various techniques and modalities Alexis for the first time in my life made me aware of my patterns of behaviour and helped me understand what beliefs had been drastically holding me back. To take this information and find yourself back in your life, in certain situations and to display a new level of self awareness and therefore restraint has been one of the most profound things I’ve ever experienced.
I have sessions with Alexis on a weekly basis and aside from the major transformation and growth I have experience whilst working with her, I genuinely look forward to our weekly chats about life. Alexis is an incredible person and I feel bullish about what life has to offer with her on my team."
Matt H, 32, Perth
"Last year, during winter, I came down with pneumonia and ever since I have struggled to feel healthy. I get sick regularly and constantly feel exhausted. After becoming frustrated with seeing doctors week in week out I decided to seek alternative methods to fix my health. I also have a very busy job and a 6 year old son so am constantly on the go with my mind racing at a million miles per hour.
I already knew Alexis as she is my Personal Trainer and I knew that she was a Reiki Master so I asked Alexis if she would commence Reiki sessions with me. I had never had Reiki before so really didn’t know what to expect but was willing to give it a go.
After my first Reiki session with Alexis I felt extremely relaxed, calm and at peace. In fact, I don’t remember ever feeling so at peace in my life. My mind was free of thoughts and my body completely relaxed. My husband even commented that I looked very peaceful and relaxed...he thought there was something wrong with me! I found that post my first session I was sleeping so much better, I continued to feel calm, even at work under high pressure situations and had a lot more energy. I couldn’t wait to have another session.
I now have continuing sessions and definitely believe that Alexis has helped me to get my health back on track. Alexis has a fantastic holistic approach to mind, body and wellbeing and I will definitely be continuing my sessions with her."
Melinda B, Sydney
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"I was rather sceptical of trying Reiki at first, but after going through a tough time in my life, I decided to give it a go. After my first session with Alexis, I found it fascinating that she could read my body and the things she “felt/sensed” were so in line with the issues I was having at the time. I felt a massive weight lifted off my shoulders each session and it was an incredibly relaxing and eye opening experience. I would recommend Reiki to anybody who needs some stress and emotional relief."
Georgie D, 34, Sydney
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Journalist Anna Warwick reviewed the treatment in Australian Women’s Fitness magazine. She says “Alexis created a turning point for me by releasing blocks in my energy that had held me back in certain areas of my life for quite some time. After the beautiful Reiki experience, and Alexis’ analysis of the treatment, I was able to surge forward into a truly positive place, and this momentum had a cumulative effect – I have never looked back!”
Anna W, Sydney – Journalist​​
"I used to suffer from bad anxiety and I always felt stressed and as though my mind was all over the place. I felt quite out of control in my life and really frazzled. It wasn't until I started seeing Alexis, that things started to change. She taught me simple ways to anchor myself and bring my thoughts back to the present moment. If I ever feel really stressed and out of control, I now take a few minutes to centre myself and it has made the world of difference to me. Thank you!"
Teresa H, 40, Sydney.
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“I came to Alexis when I just wasn't feeling like myself and didnt know why. I had never used crystals or tried crystal healing before, but I was pleasantly suprised by how I felt after the session. I will definitely have another session. ”
Tara A, 43, Sydney